Friday, 8 July 2016

Our Garden

We have a garden this year! We have tried a garden before, and miserably failed. But this year, it's actually successful! We're already getting radishes and lettuce already. I'm so excited for everything else. :) Let me give you a tour of our garden...


                         It doesn't look like anything is growing, but let's get a closer look...

Isn't this tomato so cute? We have oodles of tomatoes! So many different kinds too, this one is a cherry tomato.

We put straw between the rows of veggies to keep the weeds down, and keep the moisture in. It really works! It's awesome!

Here's only half of the tomatoes! 

Between the rows of corn.  It's not very high yet, but it's doing really really well.

Our little corn patch.

In this section we have: beans, peas, lettuces, kale, radishes, beets, herbs, okra, and probably more that I'm forgetting. ;P

This squash plant is doing really well! We have pumpkins too, and a whole bunch of different kinds of squash and gourds.

A teeny tiny squash. :) It's so fun to watch all the vegetables grow!

This is a little watermelon! I'm so excited for watermelon! We have a cantaloupe plant too!

So there you have it! Our garden. I hope you enjoyed it! You'll probably hear more about it as the summer goes on! Thanks for reading. :)

Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Blogging again....Hopefully :)

Woah...I haven't posted since last year. Whoops. ;P  Well, I'm back!! I'm hoping to get back into blogging again! There is a ton to blog about. So, if anyone follows this blog, I hope you follow along with me. Post soon!......Hopefully.